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Docstring Style Guide

This guide describes the docstring style used in sts-libs. We loosely follow Google-style docstrings with some specific conventions for examples.

Code Formatting

ruff formatter also formats code in docstrings:

hatch run format

or directly with ruff:

ruff format

This will ensure consistent formatting across the codebase and docstrings. With pre-commit hook installed, it will be automatically run on commit.

Single Example

def my_function():
    """Function description.

    Detailed description of what the function does.

        param1: Description of first parameter
        param2: Description of second parameter

        Description of return value

        result = my_function(1, 2)

Multiple Examples

def my_function():
    """Function description.

    Detailed description of what the function does.

        param1: Description of first parameter
        param2: Description of second parameter

        Description of return value

        Basic usage:
        result = my_function(1, 2)

        With optional parameters:
        result = my_function(1, 2, optional=True)

        Error handling:
            result = my_function(-1, 2)
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input")

Key Points

  1. Use descriptive text before each example
  2. Use "Example:" for single examples, "Examples:" for multiple
  3. Keep examples concise and focused
  4. Include expected output in comments where relevant
  5. Use markdown code blocks for proper rendering in mkdocs

Common Patterns

Class Examples

class MyClass:
    """Class description.

        Create with default settings:
        obj = MyClass()

        Create with custom settings:
        obj = MyClass(setting=True)

Method Examples

def method(self):
    """Method description.

        obj = MyClass()
        result = obj.method()  # Returns expected value

Function Examples

def function():
    """Function description.

        Basic usage:

        With error handling:
        except Error:

Previewing Documentation

To see how your docstrings are rendered in mkdocs:

  1. Run the documentation server locally:
hatch run docs:serve
  1. Open your browser to

This allows you to verify that your examples are properly rendered in the documentation.

Tips for Writing Good Examples

  1. Be Concise: Examples should demonstrate one specific use case clearly
  2. Show Real Usage: Use realistic variable names and values
  3. Include Context: Add brief descriptions before examples
  4. Show Outputs: Use comments to indicate expected return values or outputs
  5. Error Cases: Include examples of handling common errors when relevant