Contributing to sts¶
Development Setup¶
- Python 3.9 or later
- pre-commit (required)
- hatch (recommended)
Initial Setup¶
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd sts
- Install pre-commit hooks (required):
pre-commit install
- Install development dependencies:
# If using hatch (recommended)
hatch shell
# If not using hatch
pip install ruff pyright pre-commit pytest pytest-mock pytest-cov
Development Tools¶
We use several tools to ensure code quality:
- ruff: For linting and formatting
- pyright: For static type checking
- pytest: For testing
- pre-commit: For automated checks
Using Hatch (Recommended)¶
View available scripts:
hatch env show
Common commands:
# Format code
hatch run format
# Run linting checks
hatch run lint
# Run type checking
hatch run check
# Run all checks
hatch run all
# Run tests
hatch run pytest
# Build documentation
hatch run docs:build
# Serve documentation locally
hatch run docs:serve
Without Hatch¶
If you prefer not to use hatch, you can run the tools directly:
# Format code
ruff format
ruff check --fix
# Run linting checks
ruff check
ruff format --check
# Run type checking
# Run sts-libs tests
pytest sts_libs/tests/
Code Style¶
pre-commit checks are checking for the following:
- Type hints are required for all functions and methods
- Docstrings loosely follow Google style (see Docstring Style Guide)
- Line length is limited to 120 characters
- Single quotes for strings
- Strict linting rules (see pyproject.toml for full configuration)
- Unit tests are recommended where suitable
- Tests are written using pytest
- Coverage reports are generated automatically
- Tests should be focused and descriptive
- Documentation is built using mkdocs with the Material theme
- API documentation is automatically generated from docstrings
- Developers are encouraged to add their own documentation:
- Add usage examples and best practices
- Include troubleshooting tips
- Provide architecture diagrams or flowcharts
- Share implementation notes or design decisions
- Document common pitfalls or gotchas
- Add links to related documentation or resources
Enhancing Documentation¶
While docstrings provide the core API documentation, you can enhance the documentation by adding additional content before or after the auto-generated sections. For example:
# My Module
Some introductory text explaining the module's purpose and key concepts.
## Usage Tips
Here are some best practices for using this module effectively...
## API Reference
::: sts.my_module
## Implementation Notes
Additional details about the implementation, design decisions, etc...
## Common Patterns
Examples of common usage patterns and their explanations...
Using MkDocs Plugins¶
We encourage the use of MkDocs plugins to enhance documentation. The Material theme supports many useful plugins that can improve documentation quality and readability.
Browse the MkDocs Material Plugins page for a complete list of available plugins and their features.
To use a plugin:
- Add it to the project's [docs] dependencies
- Configure it in mkdocs.yml
- Use it in your documentation
For example, to add a Mermaid diagram:
graph LR
A[Start] --> B{Error?};
B -->|Yes| C[Hmm...];
C --> D[Debug];
D --> B;
B ---->|No| E[Yay!];
graph LR
A[Start] --> B{Error?};
B -->|Yes| C[Hmm...];
C --> D[Debug];
D --> B;
B ---->|No| E[Yay!];
Local Preview¶
Preview documentation locally using:
hatch run docs:serve
Visit to see your changes.
Pull Requests¶
- Create a new branch for your changes
- Make sure pre-commit is installed (see above)
- Write clear commit messages (Conventional Commits are recommended but not required)
- Update documentation if needed
- Add tests for new functionality where appropriate
- Submit a merge request with a clear description of your changes